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Passionate About Enabling Success


16 year of teaching experience in Computer Science has resulted in varied tried and tested approaches to learning many computer science concepts and encouraging computational thinking approaches in all school departmental areas.


My Teaching History

Ages 11-18

  • Poole High School, Dorset (State)

  • Warwick Academy, Bermuda (Private, Int)

  • Kings College, Guildford (State)

  • King Edward VI School, Southampton (private, selective) HOD

  • Winchester College - Present, HOD


As well as primary outreach and Computing Days for local primary schools.


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The Approach



Understanding the concepts without tech.

Teachers are busy. There is never enough time. The aim of this site is to curate excellent computing teaching and learning activities that require either no or minimum prep without the use of tech.


Unplugged aims to provide a categorized collection of activities, aimed mainly at UK Key Stage 1,2 and 3 and they also aim to address the gender imbalance in Computer Science at GCSE and A-Level. One way this can improve is by pupils discovering Computer Science at an earlier age, before stereotypes kick-in.




These videos take you through the IGCSE covering the main theoretical aspects as well as tuition through past pre-releases.




I've curated some useful links and resources 




A selection of learning outlines that offer a tried and tested approach to successful engagement and learning.  The KS3 learning outline embeds Digital Skills, Literacy and Computer Science. The GCSE Learning outline sees a practical approach that focuses on Algorithms and Programming in class and theory for homework with second-year re-enforcement.


Google Classroom is used with all Learning outlines.  All Classwork and homework is set here and marking are recorded here whether digital or done in a pupils exercise book.




It is important to get pupils/students reading and writing beyond what's needed for the examination, reading widens the subject horizon and enables topics and points to be threaded together.


Mr. Mapstone

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