Unit 12
state the order in which nodes are visited in pre-order and post-order tree traversals
give examples of linear, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions
state the time complexity of an algorithm and derive the time complexity for a given algorithm
compare two algorithms in terms of efficiency
explain the principles of a linear and binary search, write an algorithm for a binary search, write an algorithm for a linear search
explain how an insertion sort works and trace through an insertion sort algorithm
explain how the merge sort works, analysing its time complexity, being able to trace through this algorithm
explain how the quicksort works and trace through this algorithm
trace through a bubble sort algorithm
state a possible order in which nodes are visited in depth-first and breadth-first graph traversals
describe applications of each graph traversal, tracing both depth-first and breadth-first graph traversal algorithms
state the purpose and applications of Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm and be able to trace the algorithm
Explain what is meant by a tractable or intractable problem
Give examples of intractable problems
Describe briefly the A* algorithm and its purpose
write a recursive algorithm to solve a simple problem
show the changing contents of a call stack as a recursive routine is executed