Unit 3
list the stages in the waterfall lifecycle model
name two other systems development models and their relative merits and drawbacks, describing when they might be used.
name and describe different types of testing
write a pseudocode algorithm to solve a simple problem
use a trace table to trace through an algorithm
interpret simple algorithms to describe their purpose
list two features of a good algorithm
design algorithms to solve complex problems
Define the term “programming paradigm” and give an example of two paradigms
explain why different programming paradigms are suited to different applications and the advantages of each
define the terms object, class, method, attribute, inheritance
draw a simple inheritance diagram for a set of classes in an object-oriented approach
follow through and write a simple program using the LMC instruction set
briefly describe agile methodologies, extreme programming, the spiral model and rapid application development
write pseudocode algorithms to solve problems
describe different programming paradigms, including procedural, and object-oriented paradigms, explaining the terms encapsulation and polymorphism
distinguish between immediate, direct and indirect addressing modes in assembly language