Unit 7
describe the concept and uses of a queue, stack, graph, tree, binary search tree and hash table
list typical uses of each of these data structures
know how an adjacency matrix and an adjacency list may be used to represent a graph
traverse a binary tree in pre-order, in-order and post-order and write out their algorithms
create a binary search tree
state what is meant by a collision and describe how collisions may be handled
distinguish between an array, list and tuple
describe the addition, deletion and maintenance of data within queues, stacks, hash tables and trees
describe the characteristics of an array-based queue, circular queue and priority queue, adding an item, removing an item, testing for an empty queue, testing for a full queue
write an algorithm for traversing a linked list and adding and deleting elements to/from a linked list
be able to compare the use of adjacency matrices and adjacency lists for representing graphs
be able to apply a number of different hashing algorithms