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Unit 8

  • Construct truth tables for a variety of logic gates

  • Be familiar with drawing and interpreting logic gate circuit diagrams involving multiple gates

  • Complete a truth table for a given logic gate circuit

  • Write a Boolean expression for a given logic gate circuit

  • Draw an equivalent logic gate circuit for a given Boolean expression

  • Use the following rules to derive or simplify statements in Boolean algebra: de Morgan’s Laws, distribution, association, commutation and double negation

  • Write a Boolean expression for a given logic gate circuit and vice versa

  • Understand the correspondence between a truth table and a Karnaugh map

  • Understand how to fill out a Karnaugh map for a given expression

  • Understand how to group items in a Karnaugh map

  • Interpret the groupings in a Karnaugh map

  • Simplify Boolean expressions with two, three or four variables using a Karnaugh map

  • Recognise and trace the logic of the circuits of a half-adder and a full-adder

  • Construct the circuit for a half-adder

  • Be familiar with the use of the edge-triggered D-type, flip-flop as a memory unit

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